Saturday, July 25, 2009

Charaters from fruits basket vs. Spawn and D.A. Spawn?

Don't go out on me just yet saying fruits basket would win first view this image of spawn

and now D.A. spawn

Charaters from fruits basket vs. Spawn and D.A. Spawn?
Ok i have a question for you, why would the Juunishi have anychance against Spawn, which has superhuman powers, all teh Juunishi are is cursed to transform into their animal counterparts, when hugged by the opposite sex or if they are under lots of stree, and they can summon their animals to help, but Spawn hed just rip them apart, even though Yuki, Kyo, Haru, Kagura have lots of marial arts training, i dont think punches or kicks wont do so much to spawn, since he gots armor, also he gots spikes.
Reply:please. Of course spawn would kick most of the furuba peoples but, but then kyo, rin, and all of the other good fighters would distract them, while super a$$-kicker momiji would prepare to crush them like bugs with his super cute bunny funnies.


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